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Should My Gas Fireplace Smell Like Gas When I First Turn It On

January 13th, 2021

Gas Fireplace Smell of Gas

If you haven’t gotten your gas fireplace maintained lately, turning it on for the first time in the year can be a worrisome experience. Homeowners are often concerned about whether the fireplace will perform as expected. But one concern stands out:

“Should my gas fireplace smell like gas when I first turn it on?”

This is an issue homeowners notice with gas fireplaces, gas furnaces, and other appliances that rely on gas. These generally go unused throughout the warm season, and a smell is one of the first things someone in the home might notice or remark on.

In fact, many people report that they can smell the gas long before the air starts to warm up.

The gas smell is a common issue, but does that mean it’s harmless?

Let’s take a closer look:

Why Does a Gas Fireplace Smell Like Gas When Turned On?

The smell you notice when using some gas appliances actually isn’t natural – it’s added to the gas to make it easier to detect a leak. However, it’s perfectly normal for a gas fireplace to vent a small amount of gas when it’s first turned on. That doesn’t only happen the first time it is used, but may happen just about any time throughout the season when you decide to enjoy your fireplace.

Does a Smell of Gas in a Fireplace Mean There’s a Gas Leak?

While the smell of gas is meant to alert you to a leak, a gas smell from the fireplace does not usually mean there is one. In a well ventilated home, the gas smell should subside within about ten minutes or even sooner. If you still notice the smell of gas when no appliances are in use, that can indicate a leak.

How Can I Protect Myself from Household Gas Leaks?

The best way to protect yourself from a household gas leak is to schedule maintenance for your gas-based appliances every year. A household gas leak alarm is also a wise investment, since a leak can happen any time and may incapacitate you very quickly at night.

How Can I Get Rid of the Smell of Gas?

Be sure you have appropriate ventilation around your fireplace. Clean or replace your HVAC air filters, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, so air circulates easily and unwanted smells don’t linger.

For more information or to set an appointment, contact Syles Mechanical.

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