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The Impact of Home Size on Generator Requirements

January 28th, 2025

ice storm backup power
Power outages can strike any home at any time, and there’s no telling how long they’ll last once they start. Having an emergency generator ready gives you a way to continue powering your devices during these periods. They’re not a one-size-fits-all solution, though. Choosing the right size of generator for your home is critical to making the most of its utility. Read on to learn why this matters and how to choose the best model for you.

How Power Needs Scale

In general, bigger homes require bigger backup generators. This is because your home’s power needs depend on two factors:

  1. How many appliances you want to run.
  2. Your heating and cooling needs.

Every home will need at least 5kW to power essentials like the fridge, oven, washer, and dryer. Any extras like a TV, game console, or an outlet for charging devices will require even more.

Larger homes tend to have more appliances in them, but that’s not the primary factor that makes their power needs higher. Heating and cooling larger spaces requires much more energy than doing the same for smaller ones. Even a small home’s furnace will need around 5kW to start, but similar systems for large homes can use up to 25kW all on their own. While air conditioning tends to use less power, larger homes will still need around double the wattage to run these systems compared to smaller dwellings.

Determining Your Home’s Power Needs

To forecast your home’s power needs, start with appliances. Write down every appliance you plan to run and its required wattage, then add up those numbers. You can find this information on the manufacturer’s labels for each product, but you can also find rough estimates for different kinds of appliances online.

After this, check your home’s HVAC system power requirements. You’ll find this information in your owner’s manual. Some brands list this information on their website too. Make sure you have the model name right before you search!

Add the two figures together to get your minimum power requirement – then add a few extra kW to be safe. Power requirements are always rough estimates, and you don’t want to run out of juice at a critical moment. Opting for a more powerful generator also gives you some wiggle room to add new appliances to your list over time. This could be especially important if your family is growing or if you have an elderly person living with you who may require specialized medical equipment. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Get Backup Power You Can Count On

Whether you want to run only the bare essentials or maximize your family’s comfort during emergencies, there’s a generator out there for you. Our team at Syles Mechanical can help you find it. We carry models from top brands like Generac and handle everything from shipping to installation and service for a hassle-free experience homeowners love. Contact us today to discuss your emergency power needs with one of our experts and get the peace of mind you and your family deserve.

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